Even A Prophet Becomes Discouraged.....

In the middle of a scorching Central Texas summer, in a world where wrong is called right and we are often called judgemental and intolerant, we at FBC seek to provide an oasis of comfort, strength and encouragement for those who are in need of those things and more which can only truly be found in a personal relationship with the God of all creation.  We began our worship service today with the blessing of the heavenly harmonies of Sweet Assurance reminding us that we are "Saved By Grace".  After that, we joined our hearts and voices in congregational worship and praise,  Just before Pastor Wes came to take us back to our study of Elijah, Sweet Assurance blessed us one more time with one of my favorite songs they do, "Were It Not For Grace".  Then, Pastor Wes took us Into 1 Kings 19.  Chapter 18 ended on a hopeful note last week, when even the evil King Ahab acknowledged God and did as the prophet, Elijah, told him to do.  But we find out in Chapter 19,  that his worship was not from his heart, but was only lip service and resulted in no lasting change in his life.  He went home to Jezebel and told her what Elijah had done and she threatened the life of Elijah.  He becomes discouraged and leaves and ends up sitting under a juniper tree requesting that God would kill him because he feels that he had failed God.  God doesn't react to his request in the way you might think He would.  He knows what Elijah needs is rest and sustenance before he can make the journey to the place that God will meet with him and instruct him in what he needs to do to set the wheels in motion for the destruction of Ahab and Jezebel so that God can begin to bring His people back into right relationship with Himself.  Elijah's encounter with God is filled with dramatic events and I encourage you to watch the Live-stream to get the full effect.  I seem to remember that Pastor Wes mentioned an earthquake was in Elijah's future last week....That said, we can learn from Elijah's experience that God realizes that we can also get discouraged and He knows just how to deal with it, if we will trust Him and do what He tells us to do.....   

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