Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Waiting game

I went outside this morning before it got hot to put water on the flowers (again! even though there were thunderstorms in the area we never got any rain!).  I was going to cut the zinnias again but noticed a couple of butterflies and bees fluttering so I decided not yet.   When I went around to the front yard to water the dahlias there, I noticed this butterfly landing on the zinnias.  In the front door to get the camera and sneaking out the back door.  

She  (I think it is a female swallowtail but I did not look it up) was the only one I saw.   She is really close to the beebalm plant but was not interested in it but she did land on the butterfly weed for sip.  See the extras for that and another photo on the zinnias.   

I keep looking for monarchs but they don't usually show up until mid August.  

I couldn't figure out why the background was gray but then I realized my tinted car window was the background.  Works for me!  

Hot and humid is the word of the day. 

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