Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

On track

Been missing in action a while - Some missed blips over recent days and today a belated blip.

This was taken on the morning of the Bank Holiday Monday when I forced myself out for a few hours distraction. The rest of the day and today (Tuesday) I've not been available due to potentially health issues that needed urgent investigation.

That said, and despite repeated comments in the media about the NHS and constant delays for treatment, I cannot praise them enough. 
A GP appointment followed just a few days later a consultant appointment on a Sunday morning. The call into hospital made a few days later and in today.

The good news is that today, investigation (by three consultants no less!) has shown that the problem is not looking serious and will likely resolve itself although may reoccur at intervals simply due to age. The stress of the last few weeks can be all but put to bed and normal service resumed when the effects of today have worn off. All a big relief.

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