
A day of two halves. This morning I had a dentist appointment in Stratford.   We decided it was easier to keep to our existing practice rather than find another in Worcester. This was not much fun, I didn't actually need anything doing to my teeth, but the hygenist spent twenty minutes scraping, scratching and generally gouging muck plaque off them.  The bad news is in six months time I have to go through it all again, but she wants a longer session!

From Stratford we drove over to Barnt Green to see our friends Geoff and Irma.  They laid on a lovely salmon lunch for us which we had outside in their garden.   Geoff had to shoot off after lunch but we stayed for a while with Irma drinking tea and chatting.

We don't have a garden at our new house, but there is a spacious sun patio which Ann is populating with different plants and flowers in pots.  This is one corner, flowers and a bamboo plant for Flower Friday hosted by BikerBear. 

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