Feathering the Nest

For several days, we have been watching a pair of chiff-chaffs building their nest. This morning they seem to be on the final leg, bringing in dozens of downy feathers, presumably from the obliging swans and ducks that leave them along the canal bank.

We thought they would be impossible to photograph as they come in very quickly, rarely pausing before diving deep into the undergrowth. But, standing at the window with the camera, I seemed to disturb them just enough for this one to sit obligingly on the stems for a few seconds. Also, they always announce their arrival with a piercing 'hweet', repeated almost continuously, which allowed me time to get ready.

As we watched, the neighbour's cat wandered past on the decking a few metres below their nest site. She wasn't interested in them, but they were clearly bothered by her. So one of them deliberately fluttered around her, until she was tempted to give chase. Between them, they lured her away, teasing and mithering, until she was confused and looked thoroughly fed up. Poor cat.

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