Ruff #73

Today we had a very pleasant few hours at RSPB Burton Mere until it got too hot so we retired to the Boathouse at Parkgate and had a lovely late lunch. 

Not so many birds around at this time of year, but we did have some nice sightings - Wood and Common Sandpiper, the single Barnacle Goose that's been there for a while, Reed Warblers, Brown Hawkers that just wouldn't land, Common Darters, 10 species of butterfly, and my favourite shot of the day - two of the 7 ruff that were present on the pool at Border Hide. 

Regarding the blipmeet at the butterfly house - I did publish a post in the blipmeets community section, but as I couldn't find it today, I did it again and then saw a pop-up stating that it was awaiting approval. So it may well appear twice once someone has got around to approving it!! If anyone needs more information before it's published, just let me know, or take a look at their Facebook Page

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