Dawn Uprising

It's been a long time since a five o'clock alarm was allowed in this house! Still, out we went and back into Bristol for the final dawn ascent - there you go, you thought I'd sleep through it again, didn't you?!

The crowds were already thronging the Bridgwater Road as we parked up on Bedminster Down, and we found our preferred space already taken with folk sat in comfy chairs - which was brilliant because it meant I could stand behind them with the Hubble. Just as long as they didn't decide to stand up, because they'd bang their heads!

Gradually the balloons inflated, and someone had to be first to go. It was this fellow, who hovered for a while over the site presumably testing the winds for everyone else. I think I counted about fifty something balloons when they were all in the air, drifting slowly towards Weston super mare and the sea...

I expect they landed before they got that far! Lots more, later, on Flickr. But for now, oh my... the idea of "early siesta" does hold some attraction.

[ edit: up on Flickr now ]

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