
By Clazel

The Hollows

The weather has changed, we had rain yesterday, and a torrential downpour today - rain which was sorely needed here, with a huge heath fire only a couple of miles away the day before we arrived.
Quite pleased with our success at dodging the deluge with a walk on the heath this morning - and a visit to The Hollows, a Swanage garden set in the remains of a stone quarry overlooking the sea early afternoon. Suzanne is rightly proud of her ‘secret’ garden, knowledgeable of her plantings, and bemoans the lack of butterflies. It’s sadly a common theme. 
The blip is a flavour  - and a record for me
From top L clockwise 
Lemon flower
Angels fishing rod
Lavertera Barnsley baby - (with flyaway bee)
Eucomis comosa
The pied hoverfly is new to me.
And just as we are leaving the heavens open - so instead of another meander on Ballard down in search of Lulworth skippers we go back for tea and Dorset Danish large cake, and I start my book Still Life by Sarah Winman. I think I’m going to like it.
Thanks for your generous sprinklings on my common blue yesterday 

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