Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

Dutch Cheese

Today the Mistress is having a day at home. We're back in Amsterdam, and the mistress has blisters all over her feet, is still sick with flu/cold, so it's a stay at home day. Although she went out briefly to buy a lotto ticket with a prize of 33.2m euros. She's looking forward to winning some of it!

The street where Anne lives, where we are staying is gearing up for Queens Day tomorrow. People are preparing stands for the markets, bakeries have baked special queen's day specialities, all decorated with orange icing etc.. There's an excitement in the air that you can't miss.

Not far down the road is a cheese shop. Jori is cooking dinner tonight, so the Mistress bought some wine and then decided to get some cheese as well for dinner. Faced with this amount of variety - how does one choose? In the end she asked to try several, and so that's how she picked the very hot spicy cheese to go with the wine. Gorgeous shop - the French do wonderful pastries - the Dutch wonderful cheese!

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