North Norfolk with friends

We had a lazy morning, breakfasting in the conservatory, followed by coffee and cake. Then we headed out for the day, beginning with a winding drive through very small lanes to Binham Priory. We had a good look around and then bought some Binham Blue in the small shop.

Then on to Wells where we were lucky to park on the end of a row of cars in a free parking area. Wells gets extremely busy during holiday season. We walked through a busy, narrow, shop and cafe lined road to the harbour. Lots of holiday makers and we felt like we were on holiday ourselves - actually Karen and Neil were, and commented on the fact. We decided to buy fish and chips then sat on the wall to eat it. Very good food, so will remember that for future visits. A brief walk around, checking out the buckets of crabs caught by the many kids with crab lines. It has been a long time since we did any crabbing!

We wandered back to the car, then took the coast road home, stopping at Cley visitors centre for a cup of tea. Last stop before home, we drove down to the beach at Weybourne where we parked up, and had a walk along the beach and back again - hard work on the stones. Showed Karen and Neil the location of our first beach sleep over!

Home to sit in the garden with beer, wine and crisps for tea! I even took my little record player out to the garden so we had a selection of 80s vinyl playing (very tinny sound though) and atmospheric candles. Lots more chatting, until it was cool and too dark to see.

Now they have all headed to bed and I'm left to finish blipping! A lovely day with our lovely friends, as always.

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