A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Not a Spider

Before you scream let me reassure that this is NOT a spider. Yes, it’s an arachnid with eight jointed legs but it’s NOT a spider, I promise. It’s only a harvestman, also known as a common daddy-long-legs. We found it resting in the shade of a brussel sprout plant. Using a leaf I relocated Daddy to the plant next door as we were removing the plant he was on. Hopefully he won’t mind the new digs • So, the counting of cats continues and for the fourth day in a row we counted more… eleven today!! We expect the big one will depart soon. Let’s hope we get to see him in all his butterfly glory :) • MrsP and I took advantage of the cloudy sky to remove the giant crabgrass that had taken over the rock garden, shared in weed whacking duties, and cleared out the spent squash runners from around the garden. If we don’t run out of steam zucchini will be grated for some homemade muffins. We’ll see • Another start to a new week! Let’s all make it a good one :)

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