Friendly gestures!

The Girls helped me with these as you can see!  We had a couple more but could only fit three in.  Maybe another day....
We started the day with some work.  I worked with 5yo and Ro with 8yo.  I was really pleased with my little one!  Then they started painting some little wooden chests that we had bought them in 'The Works'.  (a closing down sale: A favourite shop of mine!)

Lunch was tortilla chips with Guacamole, ham, Corn and the usual yogurts + blueberries and pineapple for afters.

Then I took the girls to feed the ducks and then play on the swings: this involves a set of steps which we count each time and usually all get different numbers!  This time we all agreed on 39!

Home and when Ro had finished his phone conversation he took them to the sweet shop!  I prepared dinner: lovely little potatoes(eaten with butter) Turkey breast sliced up and fried in olive oil with thyme and bay , peas, gravy and a mixture of raw vegetables: little tomatoes, slices of cucumber , celery sticks and mange tout peas and some radish slices. It all went down really well!  
They had their sweets for afters!!

I'm passing on the art with my daughter in America - too tired! Ro is doing the babysitting tonight.  Hopefully it's the library tomorrow - locally!  They want the same lunch again!  Considering spag bol for the evening.  I can stick it in the slow cooker!  Maybe an apple flan too!

Sorry to bore you with all the details but this helps me to see what went down well!

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