
By lucia13


Thanks very much for your comments and stars for my painting . I am glad you like it. It was not a very good pic but was an emergency. The next time I will try take a better pic of my painting if there are another emergency.

I only started painting two years ago for those people who asked me about it. I did it myself reading books and watching videos , painting wiht acrilics and oils but I go to the art classes for watercolours . It is more dificult for me.

Still I am playing with my new Nikon , I was taking some pics around the garden and around the river . It is not too bad today little sunshine little clouds but the colours I think are ok.

The pics are ok but I can't take macros yet the lens are included with the camera are normal and I need to buy another but stil I am not sure which one.

I like this smart swan swimming along very relaxing around the river while the others ducks and geese were sleeping in the banks of the river . I sat down on the bench for a while and enjoyed the views . It was an amazing time. I love this river. Always I can see diferent things and different people , I like observing them and took some pics .

I like the reflections and colours here and I think you like these views too.
Have a nice time and enjoy the blips.

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