Last night I dropped hubby off at The Keg and Kitchen in Grange to meet his friends for their usual Thursday natter and pint(s) and decided it was too nice to just go home so I decided to make a start of getting figure and went onto the Prom and walked right up to the top end and back again but with a definite stride.  So much easier when it's on he flat, so I enjoyed it.  Might have to try that again tonight if I do that a few times a week it's got to help and with lovely gardens and views over The Bay and Arnside Knott add ARnside to look at it's rather lovely.

This morning Hubby and I popped over to Beetham Nurseries as I wanted to get a couple of little presents and  he wanted to look at the plants. 

We started off with a lovely brunch as it was fairly quiet there first thing.  Although the top car park seemed busy, even in the overflow but I guess that' could have been the workers or there was something happening in the area and they were allowed to use the car park.  I say that because there didn't appear to be as many people within the garden centre as there were cars.

Anyway after a delicious brunch we got a phone call from G as he was having a crown done today and I wanted to know how he got on.   He was fine, but he said it took 4 injections.  They have a temporary crown in place for now and he will have to have the permanent one put inonce it's ready - it may be ready by next week when he's due to go back for a filling, if so they will just complete the crown and do the filling another time.  Ouch.  At least the worse part for him is done now.  

Hubby and I then  did our bits of shopping and enjoyed having a good look around whilst it was fairly quiet and got home again by about 12.30. 

I took this photo whilst there as I thought it looked rather lovely having literally just been watered.

This is my entry for Flower Friday, with very many thanks to the lovely BikerBear for hosting. 

That's all for today - do take care, stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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