
By HareBrain


'Matilda' and we had a great journey up to Rhyl this morning  right up until the very last turn to our caravan site destination .....  guess what:  Road closed.  Couldn't believe it as we had the same last week.  However,  brave Mr HB did a 3 point turn with 'Matilda' on the back to follow the diversion, which was non-existent, but reverting to a real  map we found our destination in the end and are very pleased to be back in our little field a little way out of Rhyl and right on the flight path of many of the planes which will be entertaining us tomorrow.

After getting 'Matilda ' settled, the awning erected and lunch of sandwich and a cuppa, we sat outside in the sun, read and dozed a bit and then had a trip into Rhyl itself and a walk on the beach.  Plenty of Seagulls about of course, and Mr HB pointed out that this one was gliding with a 'side slipped' approach before coming in to land.  Mr HB is obviously in Air Show mood!!  Meanwhile I'm knitting and very happy to be here.

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