Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


I can see the sun shine daddy
I can feel it's warmth on me
We can share it, can't we daddy
Look, it's lovely, can't you see

I've been so cold daddy
Seems like forever don't you know
I know you've been afraid daddy
Afraid that I have to go

But for now it's warm daddy
We can sit ad enjoy the sun
Come and sit by me daddy
Please tell me you're having fun

Smile for me please daddy
Like you always used to do
When we laughed and played daddy
Like those monkeys in the zoo

We have so many memories daddy
More of them good than bad
And I hate to see you daddy
Looking so drained and so sad

My time is nearly over daddy
But you've other who on you depend
So let your grieving be short daddy
For it's better in the end

All this that I am feeling daddy
I soon shall feel no more
I shall be at peace dear daddy
No longer in pain and so sore

So in time be glad for me daddy
That I am finally at rest
But whatever happens my daddy
Please remember I love you the best

Terry Rhiannyr (Terry Reader)
April, 2013

Please excuse this melancholy piece. We all hoped for Tabs to see the Summer out as he loves the sun and there's been precious damn little of it over the last couple of years so when today the sun did shine and he sat out in it in amongst the bluebell leaves soaking up the rays it was a bit much

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