
Friday to Sunday passed in a whirl of activity with Eben and Luca.  We finished up on Sunday afternoon with making potions in the garden. This got me walking around, collecting everything scented that I could find: rosemary, thyme, lavender, oregano, crumpled roses, dianthus... it was good to be reminded of how much there is still out there to enjoy, as August ends. E and L mashed up my offerings in little jars, and Eben finished his off with a fizzing dose of bicarb. Excitement all round!
Then a very tired but relaxed Josh and Ruth appeared to have tea with us, before taking them home. R and I collapsed on the sofa.
I'll be away on Anglesey from Monday to Saturday, in a wifi-free house. So my journal uploads and visits might have to happen as a big catch-up next weekend, we'll see.

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