
By JoolzF

Mission Accomplished!

With this blip I have achieved what I set out to do 365 days ago, posting a photo every day for one year.

It is a pity the subject of today's blip isn't something I can be more enthusiastic about. The first phase of the new Birmingham New Street station opened on Sunday, and since I was passing through on my way home from Derby I decided to blip it.

They say on the local news that it has gone down well with the public. I am surprised that people are so easily pleased. The thing I have always hated about New Street is the dark and dismal subterranean atmosphere down at platform level, and nothing I have seen of the so-called new station suggests the finished article will improve that. It isn't a new station at all really. It is just a skin graft, and a hideous one at that.

Anyway, it has been great fun doing the 365 day blip. I will certainly continue to use blipfoto, but from now on will be posting when I happen to have a good photo. Hopefully that will be quite often but it is unlikely to be every day :-)

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