curns' corner

By curns


It was supposed to be the day of extreme heat. There had been a red warning and it was very warm.  The outside thermometer at home  did record over 40 degrees Celsius on Monday but that was in the direct sun and I don’t think that recording is accurate. Meanwhile, military officials said the runway at the country’s largest air base ‘melted'.

Before the heat this morning, we took the car back to the rental place and it was getting very warm at 8:30pm.  The house itself, however, remains reasonably cool apart from the loft room.  For the entire morning, I keep the blinds down in the room where I work in order to keep the direct sunlight away and I put the fan on for a little bit of time in the afternoon. 

In the evening I went a did a little bit of shopping because we’d not done the big weekly shop. Many of the chilled cabinets in Waitrose were empty. I’ve no idea why. They were functioning and cold but they had nothing in them.,  I wonder if there have been problems with deliveries of chilled foods but the complete lack of anything made me wonder if something else was going on.

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