Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Random abstract

Mr T was sleepy this morning, until my guitar lesson and then listened in to the Carers Support Centre meeting this afternoon.  I was so proud of him.  A new lady was there and going through the battle to get help, and not yet accepting her cared for person.  She was saying about how frustrating it is for her when they can't find the words, or do annoying things.  With a bit of a prompt from me Mr T told her how frustrating it is being the person who can't find the words to express themselves or something they need.

Most of the bedroom floor done, just the "awkward wardrobe corner" where the airing cupboard used to be.  I don't think I've blipped it since I finished it so a rainy day blip, and we have plenty of those coming up.  Perfectly timed as Andrew has had all the stuff for the garage delivered yesterday and today so it's a bit full.  Typical after so much dry weather it gets done in the rain!

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