Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

One Week On

This time last week Fleur had two visits to the vet in one day for tests and treatment.  She'd lost almost half a kilo since her last weigh in and was off her food.

A week of convalescence, which included antidepressants to encourage her to eat, pain killers and some changes to diet have proved wonders and she is on the mend.  We're not sure what happened to cause her to stop eating but she definitely has a better appetite.  We still need to monitor her carefully to make sure she doesn't slip back.  L has even found that feeding her by hand will encourage her to eat food that she ignores when in her bowl.

She has even returned to lying on the floor near our studies when we're working.  I just grabbed this shot and it is only now I noticed what a ridiculous ISO the photo was taken at.  In the old days of digital you probably would have struggled to work out the subject of this image.  How things have improved.

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