gardening with chisels

Whilst grasses are not generally bound to adhere to the general guideline describing trees' roots' shapes as being roughly analogous to their above-ground branch distribution, the fourteen-foot-tall triffid-bamboo in the corner of the garden nevertheless recently exhibited a fourteen-foot-long sneak-root ending in an optimistic upwards shoot poking up just beneath the kitchen window. Fortunately not too deeply-embedded it was nonetheless tricky to remove as it was threaded several times through the anti-weed matting installed by the previous occupant's garden-tender. There was a heftier clump of roots and truncated shoots half-way along which have now all been removed, chopped into convenient lengths and stuffed into an Ikea bag, ready to be taken home by my parents and then given to my sister to help infest her mostly paving-slab-filled garden.

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