After the rain

Last time we walked around the bird sanctuary we were treated to mirror streams and dancing redshanks; today no such delights await. All birds are distant, skies are grey and the light offers nothing to make the views more interesting. 

Grey skies turn dark, and we’re fortunate to make it to the car before the heavens open; we need the rain, of course, but I’m glad not to be caught mid-circuit with an unprotected camera - not to mention getting drenched myself. 

Back home, the deluge has become just ordinary rain - though it’s so long since we’ve seen this, I’m not too sure what that is. I settle down to look through journals - way behind as usual - when suddenly I realise skies have cleared and the dripping garden’s full of sunshine. 

And it’s here I find the crocosmia blades laden with sparkling water droplets - my blip today. I’m torn between my main and extra ….. 

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