

Yesterday went well, mostly. It was pretty quiet at lunchtime and I sat on the table for most of it as there was nothing at all to do. I did go on my phone a bit...

Night was busier in spells and it didn't drag too much. I was tired towards the end just because life's been so busy lately and it's taking a toll but I don't think I was much worse than if I'd just been at home.

There was a bit of drama and it involved my arch nemesis, the Very Large Spider! From my seat on the table I noticed something scuttle across the shop floor towards the counter area. Further investigation proved my chilling sense of dread to be justified - there was a MASSIVE brown spider with HUGE fangs standing right where I stand to serve people. I had a bit of a meltdown at this point - hyperventillating I legged it to the back of the shop. 

I managed to communicate to Zeiyit what was wrong, and he went to play hero by chasing it with a broom! I'd have really preferred him to catch it and take it to the church garden across the road. It went to ground under the range, but it could be anwhere by now, and is still there somewhere...

Coming home in the car, Zeiyit animatedly and with much giggling and added sound effects recounted the event in Pashto to Hekmat who was also finding it hilarious. I don't speak the language but it was obvious what he was saying. Hekmat confirmed it by asking me if I'd seen any spiders!  Glad they had their entertainment for the night anyway! I told him how humongous it was but he said that according to Zeiyit, it was really small. It definitely wasn't! But then I daresay Afghanistan has bigger spiders than any over here... 

Tonight I was meant to be working from 5 - 10PM at the shop I used to work in, five minutes up the road.This has been switched back to Regal, 4PM - 12.30AM! In a way I don't mind as I know exactly what I'm doing with everything at Regal - less so at Baggholme! I'd have preferred the shorter shift though...


is still struggling a lot and I am going to ramp up my efforts to sort out more help for him next week. A more pressing problem is the injury to his hand from his fall earlier in the week. I'm now wondering if he could have broken it. I suggested we should get him taken to hospital for an X-Ray, but he insisted it's not necessary. It is really swollen, inflamed and hot though. It does need looking at. 

He was tired after his lunch and wanted to go for a nap. I got Brian to fetch me home a bit early - I could not bang about doing noisy jobs as it would disturb him, and I knew he'd sleep for at least a couple of hours so there was no point me sitting there when I had things I need to do before my shift tonight.

I took this photo on my mobile - I really liked the way the weird light was catching the washing on Mrs. Next Door's (Mabel) line. I hope she won't mind her pants being all over the Internet!


1) Last night's RL went ahead and Leeds beat Catalans in a very ill-tempered game. It was played in France. The Rugby is allowed to continue I am very happy to say! Another game is recording for me to watch in the morning. Huddersfield v Salford. If Huddersfield win they will be our semi final appointment but if Salford beat them we will face Leeds.

2) My laptop is very annoying. The Y key is sticking and when typing quickly I see that the Y is missed out of some words, or types double on others. If you notice spelling mistakes involving the letter Y, then that is!!

3) Brian has to work tomorrow, but I'm still going to visit Jeri and family - by train! Grace and Sophia will be visiting them too. It will be nice to have a day to relax before riding into battle again next week, fighting my corner at work and trying to get help for my Dad, both medical and care-wise.

4) Migraines - I had one at work last night and another in the early hours of this morning. I took tablets at work and got rid of it but daren't risk it again this morning. I'm OK now but I'll be taking the tablets to work just in case! I realise it was probably the same migraine reasserting itself this morning once the pills had worn off...

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