A good morning in Kendal and I was home by half past ten.

First stop was Asda just before 8. No pyjamas I liked (still short sleeved summer ones on the rails ) so I didn’t look at other possible purchases.

Then next door to B&Q. Must be three years since I was last in and I’d forgotten how many things I might need! Success there and I came out with a bargain curtain. Yes, I just want one for an alcove/unfitted wardrobe . . . if that makes sense. It’s 30 cm too long but I can sort that.

A drive via the back roads to the other side of town where I’d found (via the internet) a paint store on an industrial estate. Bought some paint the same colour as the front door I’ve ordered and some paint/varnish remover.

Finally to Sainsbury’s where I was happy to find price reductions on a surprisingly large number of items on my shopping list.

In the afternoon I cleaned some kitchen cupboards and threw a few outdated food items (two by almost 12 years) in the bin. The Demerara sugar is stamped best before 2015 but it seems fine so I’ll keep it.

Next week I promise to write less.

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