Don't Be Deceived.....

Yes, today is September 11th and the 21st anniversary of a very dark day in our history and while we remembered that day, we came together to join our hearts and lift our voices in worship and praise to God who has brought us to this time and place today to be blessed by our choir and orchestra and all the other accompanists singing "The God I Serve" with solo portions done by Julie C.  After more congregational worship, Pastor Wes took us back into James 1:16-18, where we are warned about deception that can come from outside sources,such as difficult circumstances and what people try to tell us what that says about who God really is, or from inside our own thoughts when we begin to doubt that God is really who He says He is and we don't see how He could love us.  The greatest temptation for sinners is unbelief, but the greatest temptation for Christians can be mis-belief.  Something that is 99% true is still 100% false.  So, we are not to be deceived about God's character, but we are also not to be deceived about His gifts which are good, because God is good.  God is generous.  He delights to give us gifts.  We can never deserve any of the gifts He gives us.  There is so much more in the Live-stream about our mission for God, our position before God, and our destiny with God that you would be inspired by and I urge you to make the time to watch it to get the full blessing from the message......   

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