Spreading the Word

A week or so ago H asked if I would going into the school where she is a teacher and show the children a range of instruments, explaining the differences and giving them a little demo.

Although flattered I knew there was a better man for the job so Alfie did it instead.

He went to the assembly of a school where he knows no one (well except H, and I was there) and in front of 200 children and teachers and spent 15 minutes explaining the differences, between and playing a Ukulele, Banjolele, Classical Guitar and Electric Guitar. He was great, considering he is 10 (and his lack of preparation) it was a fantastic presentation. We helped with a few prompts but he was engaging, informative and managed to get a few laughs as well. Stunning job Alf. The children seemed to love it, asking him into classrooms to talk more, I suspect his youtube videos might get a few hits.

The I legged it to drop two of my guitars off with a technician for a service. It seems they both need some neck work which is not surprising as I've had them both for over 25 years and apart from my fiddling they have had no professional work.

Then back to the office, an exciting week this week, lots to prep for ;)

Turftime tomorrow...

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