Even the hills …

….. looked as though they were mourning.

Sad times for King Charles, the Royal Family, and us too, those who cared for Queen Elizabeth.

I’ve been drawn to writings about Queen Elizabeth by Sir David Moxon, the former Anglican Archbishop of the New Zealand Dioceses.

He said that Queen Elizabeth, at age 13, encouraged her father King George VI, to quote a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins, a faith statement that she thought would be helpful in
lifting the hearts of millions in the first 3 terrible months after the beginning of WWII. It was a sign of Elizabeth's Christian instinct already forming, even then.

"I said to the man who stood at the Gate of
the Year/ 'Give me a light that I may tread
safely into the unknown.' / And he replied,
"Go out into the darkness, and put your
hand into the hand of God. / That shall be
to you better than light, and safer than a
known way.

He also wrote “Oueen Elizabeth became a witness to the greatest human values by bearing them symbolically and visibly in herself her whole life. Thanks be to God.”

She is an example for us all and especially King Charles, as he begins his reign.

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