
By Whitelambo

Has anyone heard of a 'Miracle Grow' for hair?

Honestly I think I have the slowest growing hair on the planet! Over the last year it's only grown about an inch and a half!

Anyway, GCSE's started, exams coming up in a few weeks I better get some more revising done! Got my options confirmed as well, Art, Textiles and Geography. I've never really been very good at the normal subjects, like Maths, Science and History. My Dad says I've always been an arty girl, and very creative. Most of my art is based on my photography, which I hope is good, ish!

All I've been thinking about all day is riding on Saturday, in very excited to see my little Superstar pony Poppy.. And more jumping adventures, this weekend we're jumping and I'm hoping to get to 2ft 6 with her, after some refusals at the show a few weeks ago I need to make sure that she's going to be a good girl!

My good friend Anna and I have been thinking about dip dying our hair this summer holiday, she's got lovely long golden red hair and I've just got a mop of curliness! The picture above is my normal hair, it's a bit of a nothing colour; slightly blonde, slightly brown, a hint of gingerness! I'm not really a fan...

What do you think?

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