Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Seth is 49....

Mother and Child Reunion

Seth is usually away at work on his birthday. He leaves tomorrow, but by some wonderful quirk of calendar and schedules, he was at home for his birthday. The kids are at school, and Cristina is away at work, so for the first time since 2012 he and I had a couple of hours together alone. I took him to lunch and gave him a gift, and it was a delight. I got his perspective on his two amazing children, his pride in Cristina and the success she's having in her career, and his own news: like me, he has a knee brace that is giving him a new lease on life; he learned that his hearing (despite his profession, which means loud-blasting music at more decibels than I can imagine) is still perfect; and his habit of walking Felix four miles a day when he's home has done wonders for his fitness and muscle tone. All good.

He works with a number of right-wing Trump-loving southern performers, and he told me what I didn't know and wouldn't have imagined about their plans for this country. He thinks it's a last gasp of white supremacy, but he fears there will be violence before that last gasp is finished. I listened with attention and also enjoyed his sense of humor about it. He has always had the ability to laugh at human foibles, including his own.

Happy birthday, Seth!

Technical note: I'm using Sue's 18mm f2 lens that I borrowed on the weekend, trying it out in different situations. I stumbled across a review on Youtube that made me curious.You wouldn't know I've changed lenses because I've cropped it as I usually crop the 35mm f1.4 that I've been using for 15 years now. But I do want to learn what it can do.

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