Living my dream

By Mima

The fog lifts

The Spring Equinox took place at 1:03pm today. 

Hooray for the warmer and lighter half of the year. And our clocks change this weekend which means I'll make better use of the daylight hours, working a little later each afternoon. 

I woke to thick fog at 6.30am. It was so thick that the truck was a mere hazy silhouette on the hillside as we left the new cabin (bedroom). One of us didn't care in the slightest in the race up the hill for breakfast.

By the time we re-emerged after our meals to check on the Chaffinch chicks (which have survived another night) the sun had burnt away all but the final wisps of fog, and the day was set to be another cracker. It is perfect for gardening of all shapes and varieties.

There is a big fat high pressure system plonked over the South Island for the foreseeable future. Happy days. 

(Sorry, North Islanders...)

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