Basement Window

Busy day today. It is Rachel's last day with us. We invited Ulli who is coordinator of the program at Whatcom Community College to join us for dinner. So I thought it would be prudent to vacuum the house and do the kitchen floor. (It's been awhile.) Then Rachel and I went down to the car rental place to return her car. As I was eating lunch, I got a text from my painting teacher wondering when I was coming to photograph her paintings. Oops! I had forgotten I was supposed to do that yesterday. So I zipped down there to photograph her two paintings and one of another painting friend. While I was coming out of the building Jim, another painter, commented on the basement windows in the Bay Street Village where Trish's studio is. I've seen them often and thought they would be interesting to photograph. Since I had my camera with me it was easy to do that. So here they are. I straightened them out a bit in Photoshop, enhanced the color a tad with Viveza and HDR Pro, and voila! An abstract of rectangles. Press L for the larger view.

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