
By pattons6

One day old

Here I am, one day old - nearly. I was born yesterday at 6.14pm weighing 8lb 14oz. My mummy was started off in labour in hospital, as I was so comfy where I was.

My first visitors where my Grandma and Grandad. They each had a cuddle and a little cry, as they were so happy to meet me. I was a surprise as everyone thought mummy was having a boy. Mummy and daddy had been in the hospital 36 hours waiting for my entrance.

I got home today and met my granny along with my brother and sister on the way home. I then met my godmother auntie Gillian and her mummy Laura. Auntie Gillian is my mummy's lifelong friend who has known her all her life.

I slept very well tonight, only waking once, as I was so tired from meeting everyone.

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