God Save the King

A morning entertaining Minky - och, the time shot past - there was fruit to eat, shells to collect from the beach and plasticine fun! Here’s King Charles surveying his domain. He’d to summon the Royal Dog to eat the pink snakes that were infesting his land. 
Later, a matinee - Lamb, yep the Icelandic film directed by Valdimar Jóhannsson. I just put that in to beef out the blip and suggest, y’know, ah yes, Valdimar Jóhannsson, what did he do again? Anyway, 8/10 for me. Terrific and very ordinarily strange if that’s not a contradiction.
Then out to a dinner party. Yes, yes, a resident of one of Edinburgh’s most illustrious streets. I send some photos to the SK, grafting away at home. She's unimpressed. She refuses to be impressed. She’s distinctly unimpressed by how impressed I am. I used to go to posh places too, she says, upbraiding me. Haha. 
Anyway, we’d a fine time (just JH and me) and without our respective partners we were able to talk boats boats boats. What happy times we did have on his. Sadly, it’s up for sale. Anyone out there after a 1965 Honey Bee, get in touch.

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