This is the day

By wrencottage

New Home Card

I needed to make a new home card for some friends of ours, so I created this design using several different pieces of purchased artwork, and added a tag with our friends’ names on (which I’ve obscured for this photo). I then made three more cards (without the ribbon or the personalised tag) so that I could sell them in the Atrium. They are printed on the same lovely watercolour board, but I don’t add ribbon because it makes them much more expensive to post, being large letter size because of the bow. It keeps things simple if I make them flat so they can go via ordinary first or second class post. 

Other than that, it’s been a housework kind of day, nothing much to report, but I feel better knowing that the house is a bit cleaner. Oh, and this morning I made a couple of lemon cakes; one for the freezer, and one for the lovely person who requested one out of the blue after breakfast. His request was granted, and he had the first slice as a treat after his lunch!

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