
By Cygnus


I forgot to show you the ‘regular’ watercolour painting of leaves that I did on Tuesday at my class. The AM prefers these ones, but I still like the bolder painting-on-the-leaf splat type better.

My beautiful number 1 peanut is expecting her first baby in a month or two so my creative skills (!) have been focussed on knitting little cardis and a blanket for the new little hobbit.

I’m due to head over to see her and the Musician (her lovely husband) at the end of October to help fill the freezer with some easy-to-reheat meals which they can grab for the hectic weeks after the baby is born. And see the new nursery! I’ve also had a special request to paint a puffin for the little hobbit’s nursery, so I’ll have to await the muse for that one. :-)

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