Filtered and Faffed

This is a corner of the current quilt, taken at a random angle, treated with a bit of intentional camera movement and a filter offered by my camera called 'expressive'.

 I picked up my 'triangles' quilt today and it is still my favorite. I can understand my friend Ann's reluctance to sell some of her paintings, even though she has them on the wall for sale because she loves them. For her they represent not only the place they were painted, but a whole set of experiences and memories made as she was painting them. I think I will give it to my granddaughter who is having a hard time with daily migraines and unable to go to high school in person. She is still doing remote learning, but it's not the same. 

Some people would say that high school days were the best days of their lives and others would say they were the worst! Either way I think it is an essential part of becoming an adult and Maya is missing most of it....

I'm pleased to say that even though I elected to get the flu shot and the Covid booster at the same time I had less reaction than usual. My arms weren't even terribly sore. This is the first time I have had the Pfizer vaccine so either it is less effective, or I have built up a reasonable immunity after four shots, Either way, I'm not complaining.

The dermatologist I saw yesterday is the husband of my usual one. She was in the office yesterday too, but booked far out because she was away for two weeks and plans to be gone again. The waiting room was full when I got there yesterday, but a woman who was there with her mother moved over to sit on her mother's walker free a chair for me. There are still plenty of considerate people left in the world.

I settled in for what I thought would be a lengthy wait but was taken almost immediately. The assistant looked at my leg and immediately got out the scalpels and syringes. When the doctor came in he took one look, agreed with my diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma (my specialty) and said he'd try to 'get underneath it' with the biopsy. I thought he was still putting in the lidocaine when he said it was all finished. He also said something nobody has ever said before when I asked if I should book an appointment to have it excised. He said it might not have to be excised. He also said they set aside times for such procedures on Tuesday, so if I did have to go back, 'We'll be here for you.' 

How nice. I knew there was a reason why I left the old practice where I felt like a number in an assembly line....

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