Cloud Increasing..Rain Developing

So says the weather app on The Boss's iphone and I think they have got it right again.

I have had a fairly active day and the sun shone as The Boss raked leaves into neat little piles and I checked them out for foreign bodies. Sniff sniff sniff... Nope all the bodies in there are local, and into the bin they went. There was a trip to the green waste centre and the bins are now empty for what may be the last onslaught of leaves as our big old English Lime is almost completely yellow and a strong wind (predicted) will polish it off I recon. The Boss loves Autumn (fall) and feels that the leaves piling up all around our house just add character. Others we know hate it and stand waiting for the first leaf to fall so they can pounce and tidy. I feel that folk like this would be better off in a high rise apartment building with a window box. There is probably still a couple of weeks to go as other types of trees have not yet got the email from the leaf controller in the sky and are still undecided.
Gloom may decent tomorrow as The Bossess's Sister M, who takes me out lots more times than The Boss, is going home and The Boss's phone says "Rain, evening sleet or snow and strong southeast winds" and has a very jazzy picture of someone in red gumboots splashing in the water. Could be slim pickings and I don't mean the bloke with the large hat and guitar.

Leaf me alone

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