The Infirmary

Having resident annual passes to The Commandery we decided to pop in this morning to look at the Painted Chamber.  This room is in the part of the building that, it is surmised, infirm people about to die could be comforted by the thought that Saints before them had terrible deaths (or something like that!).  It's difficult to take a photo of the whole room as the ceiling is painted too. So I have put some in a collage.  The paintings date from 1471 and were covered in whitewash by Henry VIII only to be discovered in the 1930s.

From The Commandery we went for coffee at Greyfriars followed by a trip to M&S so I could buy a couple of shirts, long sleeves to prepare for chilly weather ahead!

After lunch we went round to Emma's to see how our grandson was getting on. He's fine!

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