Autumn Fruits

For most of the morning there was a ‘kill me now’ feel about it. It barely got light and there was a drizzle permeating everything. I decided it was time to get a grip and to take the bus to the nearest big Sainsbury’s on the hunt for a special tea to send up to Orkney.
It’s many years since I was in this shop and I hadn’t remembered how big it was. Needless to say I came out with more than the tea but I did feel I was quite restrained- just a bottle of tonic water to go with the gin in the cupboard, a box of Ferrero Rocher Chocolates for the company tonight and a small microwave container in which to cook eggs.

Being Wednesday, the Meadows are alive with student footballers set free from classes for the afternoon. It is incredibly mild and the hopelessness of the morning weather has lessened.

The conkers off the horsechesnut tree have been well and truly trampled but these seed carriers I found off an unidentified tree were lying thick on a path and have the honour of featuring on Blip.

I am eating out with blipper SooB tonight then Magpie will join us for a bevvy and blether session later. The Gin& Tonic will feature conspicuously.

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