
By archibr1

Strictly necessary

Mam has driven me mad today. She called in the middle of my class, she didn't get her cheque book yet or her prescription - I need to sort it grrr. The cheque book HAD arrived, but by this point I'd ordered it again. She was supposed to order her prescription a couple of weeks ago and for some reason, that she doesn't know, she didn't so now she's been without her meds for a week! I can get the prescription tomorrow - but there goes my afternoon - don't know if it can be filled there and then. The chemist is supposed to get the prescription from the doctors, fill it and deliver it to mum on a regular basis and they promised last time we had this issue that it was all fixed grrrrr. Then... Turns out she should have had a trip with her pensioners group but forgot and, because she didn't cancel, she'll need to pay. Didn't tell me any of this so I was on the verge of phoning them to query the bill. All today, all at once arggg!

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