An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Work in progress...

Once again I was awake before my alarm went off at 7am and was up, showered, dressed and downstairs before D.  Unheard of!  Lola was very confused.  lol

The plan had been to go out this afternoon with my camera and capture some of Perthshire's stunning autumnal colour, but after lunch the rain started and the light wasn't good, so abandoned that plan.  Hopefully get out and about on Monday when the forecast is better.  

Spent time in the study planning to complete more of my drawing course exercises but just couldn't get my head into the right mood.  Instead I returned to this painting of a vase of tulips.  I've been dipping in and out of it for a few weeks and making very slow progress.  Still many, many layers to go but I enjoyed the flow of the paint and made myself stop before I got bored with it.

I have crocheted for most of the rest of the day, determined to get as much done before Alan's pal Andrew arrives for a couple of days on Monday and our Skye friends arrive at the end of next week.

Indian takeaway for dinner whilst watching Strictly.  My favourite is Tyler :-)

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