Bristol Graffiti

This morning we woke up to rain, by the time we had had breakfast the sun was shining again.
We visited the library next door which had some great history, then on to a church which was quite different, a boat ride up the harbour and then off to look at more Graffiti and small boutique shops all very interesting.

Bristol has many beautiful Murals and street art "Vandalism" is on the side of a pub wall and is a Banksy a well known Artist in Bristol. There is street art everywhere.

We drove through the tunnel, it was full of art so I walked back to have a look, this lad was out with his spray cans, I had to use HDR on this one as it was very dark.

The computer caught my eye and was a garage door.

On our way home we visited Bin's allotment to get some fresh veges for tea.

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