
The poor fox, he is terrified of Midnight. Is that cat there on the swing, is that cat not on the swing? That is life's burning question (for a fox).


Creative is a kaleidoscope, and I did a double exposure to make it softer. It didn't end up like the picture I had in mind....

Maybe I can create what I had in mind for tomorrow...maybe.

I am getting more stray cats. They are appearing in the nighttime videos. I cannot leave food out for them because of the foxes and badgers. And despite Midnight being in the kitchen all night a lot of the time now, some other cat/s (Jade?) have been in and polished off every scrap of Midnight's supper. The milk has all gone, the Greek yoghurt has all gone, the dish of biscuits completely emptied, and the sachet of cat meat is gone. That is not Midnight. He eats very little. Cat biscuits are his preference. He just licks the jelly off the cat meat, but never eats the soft chunks of meat, and he takes a few licks at a time of the milk and yoghurt. Because of his thick fur and his constant grooming (which he can do now), and his preference for dry cat biscuit, I worry over him getting hair balls. And so I am happy for him to just lick the jelly off the cat meat. I normally give the meat left in the morning out of the kitchen door for Ammy, who is grateful to eat it. But I am having to open a new sachet for her...

I set up a trail camera in the kitchen last night, but it was the one that didn't work at night in the back garden, so, maybe I will get nothing from it.

Time for a cuppa...I have a kettle in the front room now...so I can make a cuppa in peace.

Oh, one more thing. That moon last night shone on my garden as if it were daylight. So, I sat up in bed, all bedroom lights off, with a cuppa. Now, I might be able to witness what I see on the trail camera....

I waited and waited and waited...nothing stirred, not even a leaf...no wild beast came in while I was watching...

I need a nap now, before I start the day...

Have a good day...

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