Porcelain Fungi

Once we'd done the food shop my other half offered to take dad's over so I could get ready to meet an old uni friend. It did mean I wasn't chasing my tail - phew!

I had a brunch and breakfast with my friend and a great catch up. She lives in Cannock so we do try and meet up every few months.

We were at Trentham so I had brought my camera with me to go into the gardens afterwards. It was a beautiful warm and sunny Autumn afternoon. I disappeared to the quieter areas and photographed fungi. I came across the porcelain fungi by accident. It's one of my favourite types of fungi.

As I was editing the image, to remove dirt spots, I almost erased the tiny spider on the lowest fungi. I'm assuming this is the spider which has created all the connecting threads on the fungi?

I returned home to another afternoon of the Lightroom Virtual summit videos. I am learning so much, but some of it is way beyond what I can remember. I have pages of notes to reread.....and digest, and hopefully put into practice.

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