The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


On three mornings in the last two weeks, we have had a starling come down our chimney flue into the wood burning stove.  This has never happened before.  The chimney pot has a cowl over it which prevents the jackdaws nesting, but clearly it leaves enough room for a nosey starling to get in.

Small flocks are using our roof as a staging post between the reedbed roost a few miles away, and the feeding grounds for the day which are probably on the opposite side of the estuary.  The aerial and roof edges were festooned with them this morning as Gus and I headed out for our short walk just after the sun peeked over the clouds on the eastern horizon.  By the time I got home and picked up the camera, quite a few had already moved on, though there are still 50-60 left in this photo.

So far, we have been able to let the trapped birds out and direct them to an open door.  Though now the stove is being used in the evenings, and any birds finding their way down from now on will be more sooty by the time they appear in the stove window.  Which means sooty marks on the windows, walls and furnishings for any birds that don't head straight for the exit.  Not so good when we have just recently finished decorating the living room.

Well, this is the first blip in a very long time.  I never intended to take a break, it just sort of happened, and then we became very busy on another project that became all-consuming.  I shall try to do some backblips in a few days that will explain a little of what has been going on.  Until then, thank you to everyone who has continued to follow me, and particularly those who have taken the trouble to drop by occasionally and ask how I am.  All is well.

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