Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Wonder Woman

Awoke this morning - somewhat late (6:30-ish) as no children bouncing out of bed to do the awakening - and had to decide whether I could drag myself up to do as I had planned: hit the gym with mrs tsuken. I did, and felt the better for it, after moving 18,725 kg O_O That's 41,282 lb; need to aim for 50,000, I guess. xP

While there, I snapped this of Mrs Tsuken and her awesome back and arms. Bigger mussels.

I've watched the first two installments/episodes ("Kalahari", and "Savannah") of the Africa BluRay. Oh... WOW! Absolutely incredible continent. Nature's a heartless wench though, I have to say. She made mrs tsuken cry. But then, who could watch an elephant calf die from drought, while its mother tries and fails to save it, refusing to abandon it while the herd goes on, without being affected rather painfully? (If not starving oneself, natch.)

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