Victoria Square

I took a walk around the city this morning because in the afternoon the bad weather was to arrived..still hasn't 5pm. It was so lovely and warm before the cold wind come up. It was hard to know which shot to put up as they were all so good!

On my way home my leg become so sore I could hardly walk. I normally take my cell phone and then I could have phoned my husband but for some reason I didn't. Don't know how I made it home with out passing out!

This shot is of Victoria Square. It was originally known as Market Square or Market Place. It was the commercial hub of early Christchurch because it contained the Post Office and markets as well as the Police Station, Women's Prison, animal pound, work stores and Immigration Barracks.
For More Info Victoria Square

Because of the Earthquake damage and dangerous buildings around Victoria Square it had been closed off and was in the Red Zone until a few months ago. It was really nice today with all the Autumn tones.

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