Devil's Coach Beetle

I spent a very wet morning wandering round Beaumaris Castle on Anglesey; the last of King Edward I royal strongholds in Wales. It was meant to be his greatest castle, but it was never finished when the money ran out.  

I had intended to head to Penrhyn Castle for the afternoon, but the forecast was for more rain, so instead I visited RSPB South Stack reserve on Holy Island. I had hoped to visit the lighthouse (extra) but the bad weather meant it was closed for the day. No matter, I spent a happy few hours wandering round the cliff walks, and even dug the macro lens out to photo the lichen and tiny sedum plant on the rock.

As I was searching for small things this large beetle scurried across a rock. It buried itself into a tuff of grass and backed out with a fly in its mouth ... a bit gruesome really!

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