On the way home

I left Hampton at 9.30 this morning to take the train to Waterloo,  from there by Underground to Euston, then Glasgow Central, Glasgow Queen Street and finally Oban. Mrs M picked me up and I was home before 7pm. Quite a long day, but everything went well. My Blip today is a 'Farewell to London' - taken through the window just coming into Vauxhall station.

After meeting the lady in that obscure Surrey village last week who knew me from Arduaine I thought that nothing would surprise me. But I was wrong! I found my seat on the Glasgow train at Euston and sat down next to a lady who looked up and said 'Hello'. We got talking and when I told her I was going home to Oban she told me that she was going to Glasgow for a couple of nights and then also to Oban, where she would cross the water to Mull for some boating adventures. She also said that she was determined to walk up to McCaig's Tower and was rather surprised to find that I lived five minutes away! 

That was nothing, however. She said that she'd just come back from a holiday in Kazakhstan, where she'd met a man who came from Oban - he was a keen photographer. Of course I had to say 'Was he called David Williams?' and of course he was - a fellow member of Oban Photographic Club! Now how much of a coincidence was that - one person on a crowded train who had been on a holiday with my friend! Quite amazing! I'm going to trick him when I see him at the club on Wednesday by saying 'Did you manage to get your faulty lens repaired is Tashkent then?'

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